Zoom Program: Climate Change - What It Means for New England

Thursday, September 87:00—8:00 PMVIRTUAL PROGRAM - Peabody Institute Library, 15 Sylvan Street, Danvers, MA 01923 - 978-774-0554

Quentin Prideaux presents the basic science of climate change and its effect on New England. Combining powerful images of the early effects of climate change with concrete data on what is happening right now, this presentation is both moving and enlightening. The talk will cover the impacts and causes of climate change, the actions we need to take, and what it all means for the Northeast.

Quentin Prideaux is a Partner in the management consulting firm Alder Associates, and a Board member of Sustainable Wellesley.  He has a degree in Physics, an MBA, and a Masters in Sustainability from Harvard Extension School. Quentin has long been engaged with climate change action and began giving talks in 2012. He continually updates his material to cover the science, the impacts of climate change, the actions we need to take, and what it all means for Massachusetts and the Northeast. He lives in Wellesley with his wife, and two children and gardens for food, last year producing 110 pounds of organic produce in his back yard!

This program is presented in partnership with the Ashland Public Library and other area libraries.

Click here to register.
